Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to Repair PC Security After a Virus Attack ?

A virus attack can be very devastating to your computer if it is not caught quickly. Computer Viruses change many different settings on your computer so that the virus can hide information and download some additional files to your system. Once the virus has been disabled and deleted, the settings need to be restored to their original configuration to get the computer running normally again. Repairing your PC’s security after a virus attack needs to be a top priority to prevent further virus attack and infection.

Follow the Instructions:

Step1: Open your antivirus software and update it by clicking on the "Update" button on the start page.

Step2. Disconnect your computer from the Internet once the update is completed. You don't want your computer to be infected with another virus through your modem while your security settings are still compromised.

Step3. Restart your computer and hold down F6 to activate Safe Mode. Scan the system again in Safe Mode. Restoring security settings will do no good if there is still a virus lurking on your system. Delete any hazardous files that are found.

Step4. Restart your computer normally and access your security settings through the Control Panel in the Start menu. Click on the Security Center and click on the Firewall to make sure it is enabled.

Step5. Reconnect your system to the Internet and update your Internet browser to make sure you have the most recent browser that has closed previous security breaches.

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